Dr. Peter Adamic

Associate Professor

Curriculum vitae

Department of Mathematics

Ave Maria University

5050 Ave Maria Blvd,
Ave Maria, Florida



Chen, T., Desmond, A.F., Adamic, P. (2023), “Generalized Additive Modelling of Dependent Frequency and Severity Distributions for Aggregate Claims”,  Journal of Statistical and Econometric Methods, 12(4),1-37.

Beknazaryan, A., Sang, H., Adamic, P. (2023), “On the integrated mean squared error of wavelet density estimation for linear processes”, Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, 26, 235-254.

Beknazaryan, A., Adamic, P. (2022), “On a stochastic order induced by an extension of Panjer’s family of discrete distributions”, Metrika, 85, 67-91.

Naik, S., Adamic, P. (2020), “Life Expectancy Improvement for Multiple Cure Distributions”, European Actuarial Journal, 10(1), 73-90.

Lievers, W., Goggins, K, Adamic, P. (2020), “Epidemiology of Foot Injuries using National Collegiate Athletic Association Data from the 2009-2010 through 2014-2015 Seasons”, Journal of Athletic Training, 55(2), 181-187.

Adamic, P., Guse, J., Dumais, C. (2019), “Nonparametric Modeling of Multiple Decrements Subject to Dependent Censoring and Masking”, Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 14(1), 19-29.

Adamic, P., Guse, J. (2016), “LOESS Smoothed Density Estimates for Multivariate Survival Data Subject to Censoring and Masking”, Annals of Actuarial Science, 10(2), 285-302.

Adamic, P. (2015), “Life Expectancy Improvement with a Cure Distribution for a Cause of Death”, Australian Journal of Actuarial Practice, 2015(3), 59-70.

Lievers, W.B, Adamic, P. (2015), “Incidence and Severity of Foot and Ankle Injuries in Men’s Collegiate American Football”, The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 3(5).

Adamic, P., Caron, S. (2014), “SC-CR Algorithms with Informative Masking”, Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2014(4), 339-351.

Adamic, P., Dixon, S., Gillis, D. (2010), “Multiple Decrement Modeling in the Presence of Interval Censoring and Masking”, Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2010(4), 312-327.

Adamic, P. (2010), “Modeling Multiple Risks in the Presence of Double Censoring”, Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2010(1), 68-81.

Killam, L.A., Montgomery, P., Luhanga, F.L., Adamic, P., Carter, L.M. (2010), “Views on Unsafe Nursing Students in Clinical Learning”, International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, (7)1, Article 36.

Adamic, P., Ouadah, S. (2009), “A Kernel Method for Modeling Interval Censored Competing Risks”, South African Statistical Journal, 43(1), 1-20.

Adamic, P., Babiy, V., Janicki, R., Kakiashvili, T., Koczkodaj, W., Tadeusiewicz, R. (2009), “Pairwise Comparisons and Visual Perceptions of Equal Area Polygons”, Perceptual & Motor Skills, 108, 37-42.

Adamic, P. (2008), “Cause-Deleted Life Expectancy Improvement for Left and Right Censored Data”, Belgian Actuarial Bulletin, 8(1), 17-21. 


Adamic, P., Yartey, E. (2021), “The (a,b,r) Class of Distributions”. Contributed paper presented at the 2021 (Virtual) Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada. 

Naik, S., Adamic, P. (2019), “Stochastic Cause-Deleted Life Expectancy for Multiple Risks”. Contributed paper presented at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, University of Calgary. 

Adamic, P. (2018), “Dependent Modeling of Competing Risks Using Kernel Regression”. Contributed paper presented at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, McGill University. 

Adamic, P., Guse J. (2016), “LOESS Density Estimation for Multivariate Survival Data Subject to Censoring and Masking”. Contributed paper presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Brock University. 

Adamic, P. (2014), “Cause-Deleted Life Expectancy Improvement with a Cure Distribution”. Contributed paper presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, University of Toronto. 

Adamic, P. (2012), “A Model for Time-Dependent Competing Risks”. Contributed paper presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, University of Guelph. 

Adamic, P. (2008), “The Pedagogical Importance of Statistical Simulation Methods”. Abstract published in the Official Program of the Canadian Mathematical Society’s Winter 2008 General Meeting, Carleton University.

Adamic, P., Wolny-Dominiak, A. (2020). cdlei: Cause-Deleted Life Expectancy Improvement Procedure. R package version 1.0. 

Adamic, P., Wolny-Dominiak, A. (2019). sccr: The Self-Consistent, Competing Risks (SC-CR) Algorithms. R package version 2.0. 


Adamic, P. (2013), Elementary Statistics for Scientists, Sudbury: StatNorth (ISBN: 978-0-9879840-1-2). 

Adamic, P. (2013), Solutions Manual to Accompany Elementary Statistics for Scientists, Sudbury: StatNorth (ISBN: 978-0-9879840-2-9). 

Shrestha, A., Adamic, P., Gillis, D., Caron, S. (2011), Student Solutions Manual for use with Introduction to Probability and Statistics (2nd Canadian ed.) by Mendenhall, W., Beaver, R., Beaver, B., Ahmed, S., Scarborough: Nelson (ISBN: 978-0-1764730-8-2). 

Yaha Sian, A., Adamic, P. (2008), An Introduction to Statistical Analysis using S-Plus, lab manual for STAT2246, Laurentian University. 

Adamic, P. (2005), Multivariate Analysis in S-Plus, manual for STAT4350: Multivariate Analysis, University of Guelph. 

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